Monday, November 11, 2013

Working PLC Agenda 11.12.13

  1. Celebrate.
    1. Today is Katie's birthday WOO HOO!
    2. Warren's fantasy football team is unstoppable!
    3. Amy finally got her car cleaned out and is working on the NEED thing.  National Energy Education Development.  December 5th meeting.  
    4. Geri - boys are done with soccer!  Breakthrough with a student.  
    5. Robin - Making strides at both schools.  
    6. Heather - more and more professionals joining the global PLC.
  2. Major Assessment Tuning Protocol round 2.
    1. What changes have we made based on tuning protocol #1?
      1. Geri - IKTB quiz format, Katie/Warren have not made a new major set yet, Amy- no changes.
      2. Current State of Major Assessment Formats:
        1. Amy:  Aligns with IA format; but not in columns.  20 multiple choice.
        2. Warren:  40-50 multiple choice, one question per minute, involve graphs/tables when possible; no open responses or short answers.
        3. Katie:  30 multiple choice, 8 short answer which require students to look at diagrams/graphs, and three at the end where show how elements bond together.
        4. Geri:  all multiple choice; may need graphs or images:  25 multiple choice questions and 4 short answers.
      3. Major Assessment Recommendations:
        1. 4-5 "at bats" (quizzes or other formatives prior to major assessment).
        2. Evenly distribute multiple choice questions between standards.
        3. 15-20 multiple choice questions (90 minutes on real EOC-45 questions total)
          1. Flexibility allowed:  make 15 content questions or 5 ACT Skills questions.
        4. 1 Extended Response (90 minutes on real EOC-3 questions total)
    2. Common Lab Report Progress
  3. Terry Rhodes on February 14th at BOE us with OKH, NCHS, and Boston School Science Teachers.
    1. What questions do you have for her?  
      1. Shift from 4.1 to NGSS is already on the agenda for this session.
  4. Community Offerings Reflection
  5. Gratitude

Sunday, November 10, 2013

STEM Learning Opportunity

Science LEADERs, 

Please take a look at the resources below shared by Mrs. Dietrich from the district. These are her notes - please send me brief feedback by December 1st concerning: 
1. What value do you see in the product?
2. What's the likelihood that you would utilize it?
3. What are the implications on the larger science team vision?

 Defined STEM Learning
* whole group content delivery developed with the Understanding by Design
* real world connection focused
* based on common core
* also has the NGSS
* authentic assessment
* each performance task has 5-7 projects, each designed for a specific purpose
* literacy components abound
* activities, performance tasks, performance events with rubrics, exemplars
* Teachers can share within the building as a means to form an interdisciplinary connection between content areas classes
* you can search by standards (the latest adoption date is listed)

Not going to tell you the cost yet.
user name: nelsonky

password: nelsonky