Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Essential Questions

9th Grade
What is good science?
How do we use models to explain our world?

10th Grade
What is life?
How are cells organized in a way that will allow for complex life?
Why does the apple not fall far from the tree?

11th Grade
What is good science?
How does matter behave good or bad?

PLC Agenda 12.10.13

  •    SMART Goal Review for IA2
  • o   How are we getting students excited for next Friday?
    • Amy- posting IA2 on the "What's coming up slide" on her last powerpoint.  Amy named each of her class periods.  
    • Warren/Katie - have logo posted and are also promoting HPR as a means of encouraging students to get excited about HPR.
    • Geri - has sign posted.
  • What can we do as a PLC to get kids excited which further allows for our SMART goals to become a reality?
      • Revisit the super hero slide and other reteach week slides that will encourage students.  Make sure to add Geri's superhero pic.
      • Make an IA feature that honors students within individual science classes.
      • Have an IA countdown

  • ·         Community Offerings For Next Year Review
    • Done!!!!  Sent to Jessica and Julia.
  • ·         Major Assessment Feature
  • o   Katie Chapman shares her latest creation following the new criteria for major assessments as decided by the PLC.
  • ·         Common Lab Report Status Check
  • EEssential Questions by grade level.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Next PLC

  • Major assessment format review
    • 15-20 multiple choice
    • 1-2 extended responses
  • Essential Questions
    • For each grade or for the entire PLC used by all teachers?
    • Extended response on test that asks students to answer the essential question.