Monday, December 8, 2014

Agenda 12/9/14

To Do:
  1. IA Rally Time/Share-out – revisit your goals. What are you doing in these last 8 days to get your students there? Powerpoint reminders? 
  2. SGG Spreadsheet PLC Checkpoint/update– what is the data telling you? 
  3. ACT Skill/Content Data Teams: Pick up where you left off creating ACT skill questions that align with your content- Kaplan books as a resource. 
  4. Plickers or Flubaroo as ACT-like check-ins? Open to suggestions! 

To Bring:
  1. Your binder (Everybody) 
  2. An assignment/quiz/etc you'd like to modify for ACT skills (Amy, Curt, Matt) 
  3. Graded Assignments (Curt and Matt) 
  4. Binders of Science Awesome (Robin)
Let's pump some science iron and go for the gold!! ;-) 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Agenda 11/24/14

To Do:
Review PLC Action items 
Review SGG Tracking Sheet
Analyze and incorporate standards into Barbara's and Katie's assignments. 
Analyze results from Amy's assignment and discuss efficacy using the data team model
Discuss process for analyzing standards growth- glows and grows.

To Bring: 
Katie and Barbara- bring an assignment to incorporate standards
Amy- bring graded assignments to analyze
Everyone- bring standards binders and a happy attitude. :-)

Let's #flycloser and learn from each other,
like Philae on the comet. :-) 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Agenda 11/11/14

It's that time again! Time for us to get busy "marrying" ACT standards and our content.  We will be doing two things tomorrow:
  • Organizing our folders (you'll need to bring yours that Robin made you, along with the test copies that you received
  • Helping each other incorporate ACT-like questions and material into our content (you'll each need to bring an assignment, project, or assessment that you'd like help with incorporating

We may have some work time at the end to start incorporating those standards, so bring your Chromebook as well.

Looking forward to "flying closer" tomorrow as we work to "marry" our standards and content.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Science Alliance Summer Action Items

Summer Science Alliance Agenda: June 30th @ Noon

  • Unit Development based on NGSS standards and ACT alignment
    • Essential Questions- engaging and "umbrella-like"
  • Engineering/STEAM focus somewhere in rooms/bulletin board
  • Common Language
  • Lab Report Rubric
  • Major Assessment Expectations
  • Twitter check-up
  • Becoming proficient on Googledocs
  • Purple Cow Lexicon
  • 5, 4, QW rubrics
  • Managing the workload- work smarter not harder- Sharing templates, collaborating with Nelson Co, lesson plan overview for google pres, IKTB quizzes with trade and grade, clear procedures, Teach Like a Champion
  • IA Pre-Analysis for Q1

Looking forward to seeing you all! Hope you've enjoyed some relaxing by the pool. :-)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

#Sci Fly Reflects. 5.21.14

  1. Reflecting on Success of Self- End of the Year Self-Assess/PGP Planning 
  2. Reflecting on Success of The Team- PLC Recap - How close did we fly this school year?
  3. Gratitude

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

#SciFly Agenda 5.7.14 - EOC Results TIME!

#Sci-Fly Show-N-Tell - Be Original.  Be Inspiring.  Be Great.
1.  Amy/Warren - Tates Creek Visit
2. Katie - 
3. Geri - 

Let's Roll - EOC Results TIME!!!
  1. Katie and Warren bring the EOC booklets and scoring guides.
  2. Give each teacher a scoring guide (rubric) 
  3. Divide the test booklets equally around the table.
  4. Group Score to calibrate.   
  5. Score them by next Wednesday, May 14th :) 
  6. EOC Debrief/Game Plan - English Example

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

PLC-Part 2 Agenda

Looking forward to working with you all today! Here's a sneak peek at what we'll focus on-

  • NGSS Lexicon- beginning stages of breaking the standards down into units and targets! We'll spend some time looking through them and making sense of the organization.
  • EQ Streamlining- beginning to look at the progression of EQ's as based on NGSS standards
  • Science Alliance Hub- Check it out! Add to it! Modify or edit as you see fit!
 P.S. We'll be in the Lafayette ELL. See you there!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

#Sciflyclose Meeting Agenda 4.23.14

  1. Celebrate
  2. "Making Magic" Work Session PLC Game Plan
    1. What art do we need to tend to together?
      • Standards and Unit Planning
      • Streamlining EQs for next year
      • Lab Rubric
      • Concept of what a lab is?
      • Lessons learned from Re-teach Week
      • Activity vs. Lab
      • Content Vocabulary - Science PLC Taxonomy that aligns to ACT taxonomy.
      • NGSS Standards? STEM vs. STEaM what does that mean?  Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Design, Math
    1. When should we do this?  Get your calendars out:)
      • Tuesdays?  3:20-4:20 - Amy will send an invite and an agenda.
  1. Defined STEM Webinar with Brad

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

#Sciflyclose PLC 4.8.14

  • Checking our control panels:  CSIP Goals, Our PLC Goals, Co-hort Data Dashboard
  •  Show and tell:  Bring something fab.  I can't wait for you to see what Robin was up late last night working on:)
    • Katie:  Genetic disorder rubric, students had to highlight, and take notes during; Safety Slide Show presentation that is fab!
    • Amy:  Awesome scholar start and calendar; highlighting students on the glows.
    • Warren:  Is using Padlet and the PLC is very excited about it.
    • Geri:  Orbital diagraming

  • Revisit action items- adding the following initiatives: 

  • Achievement Mayhem Rally

  • School visit- what are we looking for? What do we want to know more about at their school 

  • NGSS standards- how do we want the PD to look for this? Are the videos available yet? Do we want to do them in small chunks together for PLC meetings and start to work on incorporating them?

  • Reteach week- Superhero Game Plan:

      •  Amy's plan:  Get them to think like a test writer; put them in groups:  have them highlight distractors, extraneous information;  each student a job and one is to teach the class how to vanquishes the enemy!
      • Warren's additions:  Give each group a passage and give them a couple of days to analyze before synthesizing their position.  
      • Katie's additions:  smaller the groups the better; pick 4-5 bombed questions, heroes vs. villians battling against each other. 6 groups broken to teams of 3 sub groups.   2 subgroups of 3 people.
      • Robin's additions:  Take a copy of the test and write down the standard and the score range for each question.  To get in the scholarship $, they need to tackle the higher questions. 
      • Heather's additions:  Come up with 12 common team names for this, come up with costumes, students need to give a take-a-way like a Fold-Able - Name Super Science ACT, teacher needs to collect them and use them as a re-teach tool that is embedded throughout the quarter, let them use their foldable in the future.

    Will meet Friday after LEADER Weekly meeting to review the power point.

    Katie will work on adding six students who were top scorers to the presentation by making them superheros.

    Tuesday, March 25, 2014

    #SciFly Agenda 3.25.14

    • Let's get ready to "jump" into EOC/AP Season!
    • Checking our Control Panels - Cohort Data Dashboard
    • Our data control panel /Action Item Update
    • #Sciflyclose Show and Tell
      • Katie -
        • Heredity Lab that she found online and LOVES.  Good job Katie!
        • WE CARE lab procedures/safety slides embedded into courses.  Teachers embed one slide or craft a slide.
      • Warren -
        • EOC updates/added to Action Item doc:)
      • Amy -
        • Remarkable Student Hydroelectric Energy Resource Project by Lizzie--YAY!
      • Robin
        • The Vault Blog
    • Coming down the pike?  Student ACT Skills Self-Assess idea...hmm...

    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    #scifly PLC Agenda 3.12.14

    1. #Scifly Show and Tell - bring something PC to share.  Prize for the most remarkable piece of art. 
      1. Katie - Dihybrid punnet squares.
        • Feedback from PLC:
          • Heather - Generals Read with a Pen in Hand and a highlighter at the ready.  Mapping the Passage.  Scaffold. 
          • Geri - Loves it!  HOT
          • Warren-Can incorporate phenotypes and rations...Likes it!
          • Amy - Good because it incorporates the reading and dissecting.  Incorporates technical reading and writing.  
        1. Geri - DNA Lab connected it with hydrogen bonding.  
        2. Warren - Utilized Research Writing Rubric.  Short intro about CO2
          • Amy - assignment is awesome!  Loves the rubric.
          • Katie - Collaboration with the English Target. 
          • Warren - Research crosses all content.
        3. Amy - Redid the IA Superstar and is pumping up big time for the IA.
    2. Ballroom Blitz- Our Cohort Data.
    3. #Scifly SMART Goal Review
    4. Let's Get Fired Up Brainstorm - Final opportunity to rally our Gs before ACT/IA3
      1. Warren/Katie Post IA goals with students.
      2. Update old Reteach Week PPT. as a PLC and update it to inspire students for Monday.
    5. EOC Rally Time - Warren and Katie share what they've learned about all things EOC with the team.
      1. They created an EOC presentation ----What What?
    6. Defined STEM Updates - to Brad or not to Brad
    7. Action Item Updates
    8. Gratitude Circle - pumping out some love.

    Tuesday, February 25, 2014

    PLC Agenda 2.25.14

    • 1.       Show and Tell        
      • Amy--Tried a STEM lesson.  Altered it into a 5, 4, QW.  The original rubric was vague.  Embedded a non-fiction job description. Aligns to the instructional walkthrough document.  Tied the piece to College, Career, Readiness.  What What?      
      • Katie- updated the We CARE:  safety power point slides.
      • Geri-Real life chemistry lesson.
      • Warren-numbers Youtube video.                                                     
    • 2.       Review SMART Goals/Update Action Items         
    • 3.       ACT Workshop This Thursday.  Yes.
    • 4.       Gratitude Circle

    Tuesday, February 11, 2014

    PLC Agenda 2.12.14

    Science Alliance/Superheroes/Jungle Adventure Guides,


    Here is our PLC agenda for tomorrow:


    1.       PLC Show and Tell                          

    ·         Bring one thing:  instructional strategy, classroom management breakthrough, a new “work smarter not harder” system, tech tool/video clip, etc. to share with the team.
    1. Katie - Winter Olympics video
    2. Warren- Wave length piece of metal thing, Chi-Square test that he's using with his AP biology class; says best two weeks of all.   M and M hypothesis activity.  Made M and M data chart
    3. Geri- excited for tweeting amongst PLC; Twitter post pic of sugar molecule in class.
    4. Amy- Re-teach Week good stuff.  Mindblowing video.  The reality of real?   

    2.       Lights, Camera, Action!

    ·         Review our PLC Action Items            

    3.       Generals Write!

    ·         TNHS Writing Policy Rollout               

    4.       Purple Cow PLC Status Check

    ·         Assessing our PLC work thus far      

    5.       Gratitude Circle              


    Robin, we miss you and will be sending you some love during our gratitude circle!  Get well soon.  We miss you!


    To learning and growing every day.


    Tuesday, January 28, 2014

    Show and tell- bring one thing (anything) that you are super excited about.

    • Amy-excited about engineering project.  Students are building devices and show energy transformation.
    • Katie-safety survey
    • Warren- courseware interactive web sites
    • Robin - First TWEET!  Woo hoo!

    Lesson Plans/Presentation Reminders - in curriculum folder by 8:00 am Monday morning, monthly calendar...

    • Reteach Week issue- need to make copy of the presentation and put it in your curriculum folder.
     Re-teach Week feedback/shareout
    Let the visioning begin!  Bring all of your EQs for the year.  

    Tuesday, January 14, 2014

    PLC Unites 1.15.13

    Agenda Items:
    1. Show-and-Tell - 10 minutes
    2. IA Analysis/SMART Goal Share-out - 15 minutes
      1. Amy- need more in-depth analysis of the data tables.  Where did they get that 63% score.  New goal is 63%.   Tackle the Tables!!!!
      2. Warren/Katie- Q1-did not beat last year's class but in Q2-they met goal and were higher than Q2 last year.   Tackle the Tables - 2 or more is tough!!!
      3. Geri-  Interpretation of data and tables.  Did not meet Q3 goal.  Shooting for 57%.  Will work to co-teach with Ms. Case ACT strategies. 
        1. Begin promoting the 21 ACT Science goal with students ASAP.  Remembering that they scored a whole .8% higher than the current seniors on the PLAN test. 
    3. Essential Question Share-out - 5 minutes
    4. Re-teach Week Plans/Presentations- 15 minutes
      1. January 27-31st
      2. Teach Like a Pirate around-Table Reading "Tackle The Tables!"
      3. Need a theme.
      4. Will meet on Friday until 4:30.  Everyone will add individually and share-out on Friday.