Tuesday, April 29, 2014

PLC-Part 2 Agenda

Looking forward to working with you all today! Here's a sneak peek at what we'll focus on-

  • NGSS Lexicon- beginning stages of breaking the standards down into units and targets! We'll spend some time looking through them and making sense of the organization.
  • EQ Streamlining- beginning to look at the progression of EQ's as based on NGSS standards
  • Science Alliance Hub- Check it out! Add to it! Modify or edit as you see fit!
 P.S. We'll be in the Lafayette ELL. See you there!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

#Sciflyclose Meeting Agenda 4.23.14

  1. Celebrate
  2. "Making Magic" Work Session PLC Game Plan
    1. What art do we need to tend to together?
      • Standards and Unit Planning
      • Streamlining EQs for next year
      • Lab Rubric
      • Concept of what a lab is?
      • Lessons learned from Re-teach Week
      • Activity vs. Lab
      • Content Vocabulary - Science PLC Taxonomy that aligns to ACT taxonomy.
      • NGSS Standards? STEM vs. STEaM what does that mean?  Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Design, Math
    1. When should we do this?  Get your calendars out:)
      • Tuesdays?  3:20-4:20 - Amy will send an invite and an agenda.
  1. Defined STEM Webinar with Brad

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

#Sciflyclose PLC 4.8.14

  • Checking our control panels:  CSIP Goals, Our PLC Goals, Co-hort Data Dashboard
  •  Show and tell:  Bring something fab.  I can't wait for you to see what Robin was up late last night working on:)
    • Katie:  Genetic disorder rubric, students had to highlight, and take notes during; Safety Slide Show presentation that is fab!
    • Amy:  Awesome scholar start and calendar; highlighting students on the glows.
    • Warren:  Is using Padlet and the PLC is very excited about it.
    • Geri:  Orbital diagraming

  • Revisit action items- adding the following initiatives: 

  • Achievement Mayhem Rally

  • School visit- what are we looking for? What do we want to know more about at their school 

  • NGSS standards- how do we want the PD to look for this? Are the videos available yet? Do we want to do them in small chunks together for PLC meetings and start to work on incorporating them?

  • Reteach week- Superhero Game Plan:

      •  Amy's plan:  Get them to think like a test writer; put them in groups:  have them highlight distractors, extraneous information;  each student a job and one is to teach the class how to vanquishes the enemy!
      • Warren's additions:  Give each group a passage and give them a couple of days to analyze before synthesizing their position.  
      • Katie's additions:  smaller the groups the better; pick 4-5 bombed questions, heroes vs. villians battling against each other. 6 groups broken to teams of 3 sub groups.   2 subgroups of 3 people.
      • Robin's additions:  Take a copy of the test and write down the standard and the score range for each question.  To get in the scholarship $, they need to tackle the higher questions. 
      • Heather's additions:  Come up with 12 common team names for this, come up with costumes, students need to give a take-a-way like a Fold-Able - Name Super Science ACT, teacher needs to collect them and use them as a re-teach tool that is embedded throughout the quarter, let them use their foldable in the future.

    Will meet Friday after LEADER Weekly meeting to review the power point.

    Katie will work on adding six students who were top scorers to the presentation by making them superheros.