Friday, October 4, 2013

PD October 4, 2013

Strategies of attack: Science Unity
Domain Specific terminology: 
  • Chemistry Content
    • Freshman: Electrons in energy level
      • atoms
    • Sophomore: Valance electrons- the outer octet (8 is great) 
      • electronegativity
      • ionic/ covalent bonds
  • Scientific Method
    • Freshman: Control variable, control group, experimental group.
    • Sophomores: alternative and null hypothesis
    • Junior: null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis and then reflect back on based on experimentation. 
  • Evidence Based Claims (EBCs)
    • Taking the data and making a Claim that can be supported using evidence. (rubric's linked)
  • Common Analogies and Acronyms 

Common Lab Reports (9-12, Non-AP)
  • Purpose (summary of what your doing)
  • Materials- listed
  • Methods- paragraph style (procedure)
  • Data/ Results- include all data tables and graphs collected with a description of this data.
  • Discussion= Conclusion- This is where they can make a CLAIM and support it using the data in their data section. Drawing a conclusion (CLAIM) and supporting it (Evidence Based Claim).

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